About Me

photo of me

Hello, I'm Meghan, a tech professional with a diverse skill set spanning web development and technical support. With a background in both software engineering and customer-centric technical roles, I bring a unique blend of problem-solving and development skills to the table. Whether it's crafting seamless web applications or providing top-tier support.


Projects from Bootcamp



closeBamazon Details

This is an Amazon-like storefront created with MySQL and NodeJS. The app will take in orders from customers and accordingly deplete stock from the store's inventory. This app also tracks product sales across your store's departments and then provides a summary of the highest-grossing departments in the store.

Clicky Gamemore_vert


Deployed Link

closeSailor Moon Clicky Game Details

Click on any image to earn a point, but don't click on the same picture more than once. Click all 12 to win!!

Crystal Collectormore_vert

Play me!


closeCrystal Collector Details

The user is given a random number once they click the play button. The user will click on the 4 different crystals to try and match the random number. If the value of the crystals goes over the random number, they lose, but if your points match, you win! The values of the crystals change every game.

Eat the Burgermore_vert


Heroku Deployed Link

closeEat the Burger Details

Eat-Da-Burger! is a restaurant app that lets users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat. Whenever a user submits a burger's name, the app will display the burger on the left side of the page -- waiting to be devoured. Each burger in the waiting area also has a Devour it! button. When the user clicks it, the burger will move to the right side of the page.

Friend Findermore_vert



closeFriend Finder Details

Friend-Finder is similar to a dating app but this app will help you find your potential best friend! The users will complete a survey of 10 questions then the app will compare their answers with those from other users. After the app will display the name and picture of the user with the best overall match!

Gif Generatormore_vert

GifTastic Link


closeGif Generator Details

When you click on the buttons, 10 types of gifs will pop up for each individual button. The gifs appearing on the page will have their Ratings above them (G, PG, PG-13, R). The user can also click on the gif to animate them.



closeLIRI Details

LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI is similar to iPhone’s SIRI feature, but SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface while LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.

Project 1: LMN Travelmore_vert


Deployment code

Group Code

closeGroup Project 1 Details

User inputs a place they would like to visit and the web will output flight details. The web will sort the data and show only the cheapest flight. Then, on the next page, it will show pictures of the location they would like to visit. The following page will then display travel guide Youtube videos for users to view.

Project 1: LMN Travel 2.0more_vert



closeGroup Project 1.2.0 Details

Project 1 but 2.0 version.

Project 3: Learn More Newsmore_vert


Deployed Link

closeLMN News Details

Our mission is to provide a wide range of news outlets and give you topics to discover…it’s free and an easy way to explore news. We wanted to create a website where the users can find news on our selected categories.